We Energies and EPRI Demonstrate RealWear’s HMT-1 to Assist Utility Field Workers

Utilities envision role for augmented reality to train and assist workers

Energy News reports that augmented reality devices help train and assist utility workers.  This reinforces other reports we have mentioned from EPRI here.

Key takeaways from this article:

1- The technology is maturing
2- Utility industry faces a looming workforce challenge that will require it to hire and train thousands of workers in the coming years as aging workers retire
3- The devices will become more useful as more meters, poles, and other grid equipment is wired into the internet of things.
4- Utilities see significant long-term potential in applying augmented reality technology to maintenance operations
5- Experts predict the devices will reduce costs and improve service while helping to train and keep workers safe in the field.
6 – AR devices are helping train and assist utility workers

Full article here:


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