Four surprising takeaways from the RealWear Navigator™ 520 launch event.

RW 520 Launch

This week saw the highly anticipated launch of RealWear Navigator 520 at CES in Las Vegas. Featuring the brand-new HyperDisplay, the latest addition to the RealWear Navigator Series allows users to view content more clearly than ever. To unpack the launch, we recently created a moment called “Seeing is Believing”, where our very own Aaron Cohen and Greg Bartholomew introduced the new hardware and addressed its features and benefits, answering many burning questions in the process.

Let’s look at four of the top takeaways from the event.

Even though there’s increased viewability, the hardware isn’t much bigger


As RealWear’s Product Marketing Director kicked off the rundown of features, he noted the benefits of the new HyperDisplay. In holding up the device, what was immediately noticeable was that, despite the marked increase in viewability, the boom arm and eye box of RealWear Navigator 520 is only fractionally bigger than that of the 500. This means that, like its older sister, RealWear Navigator 520 remains incredibly lightweight and maneuverable. Greg looked very comfortable wearing the device and the display didn’t succumb to gravity throughout proceedings, instead it remained firmly in position for the duration of the presentation.

There’s been some incredible early feedback.

When quizzed about the response to the new hardware, Greg mentioned that machine tools manufacturing giant TRUMPF is incredibly enthusiastic about the new development in the Navigator 500 Series.


Darren Crowder

“Being able to utilize the larger display will help our customers tremendously especially with identifying minute details during critical times. We’re excited for the launch of RealWear Navigator 520 with HyperDisplay as we find it to drive more value while supporting our customers.” 


- Darren Crowder, Head of TruServices & Smart Services at TRUMPF U.S.   

Getting the initial support from such a valued customer as TRUMPF is encouraging as it’s what matters to us most – our customer input.  It’s a great signal for immediate demand for enhanced viewability. The 520 excels when it comes to presenting detailed content. We look forward to seeing how TRUMPF get on with the new hardware.

It’s not just about the hardware, RealWear Navigator 520 is part of a larger platform solution.


When Aaron commented about the launch being bigger than the product itself, Greg elaborated by pointing out that 2022 saw a huge focus from RealWear on removing friction to full-shift usage. This included the launch of several innovations and solutions to make it easier than ever to bring RealWear into your operations. These include but are in no way limited to:

  • HandsFree for Zoom, which allows frontline professionals to connect with their colleagues over Zoom.
  • RealWear Cloud – our device control platform built to support large fleets of RealWear units. Cloud offers usage metrics, remote support, and fast app deployment, and more.
  • Expanded support for Microsoft Intuneto accommodate RealWear devices, making it easier than ever to bring RealWear into your tech stack.

Through a process of collaboration and customer feedback, we’re focused on removing the roadblocks that may stifle user adoption. We’re making it easier and safer than ever to use RealWear solutions, so all that our customers need to worry about is how they’ll allocate the money they save.

Likening RealWear Navigator 520 to a dashboard for your head is an incredibly accurate way to describe it.

Greg compared the operation of the device to driving in a car and using the dashboard. Obviously, when driving, it’s essential to maintain full situational awareness, with unobstructed views. When you need to, you glance down at the dashboard and are given the information you require. With the larger HyperDisplay, users get bigger, sharper, bolder, and more accurate data representation. This means it’s easier and therefore quicker than ever to get the information required to help frontline professionals do their job effectively using hands-free voice control.

The dashboard analogy raises a valid point about why Assisted Reality solutions such as RealWear are safer than their Augmented Reality counterparts. Why don’t cars feature translucent screens over their windshields that present digital content? After all, the technology is available and it would be useful to have your satnav route overlayed onto your field of view, right? Yes, it would useful, but it wouldn’t be safe. When you’re driving you need an unobstructed view that isn’t interfered with by pixels springing up out of nowhere. That’s the same principle behind work on the frontline. The data is all there, but just below your eyeline so that you get the best of both worlds – digital support and unobstructed vision.


With the launch of RealWear Navigator 520, we’ve taken another big step in removing the roadblocks around using RealWear solutions as part of the day-to-day on the frontline. The device facilitates bigger, sharper, bolder content presentation and fits in with most existing communications platforms thanks to the available app library. Bolstered by RealWear Cloud, RealWear Navigator 520 is our best hardware yet, offering everything that’s loved about RealWear Navigator 500 and a whole lot more, it’s easier than ever to work faster, safer, and more efficiently. As Greg said, “It’s been a long time coming and we’re excited for our customers to finally get a chance to truly see the benefit”.

We’d like to thank those that attended the event and for persevering with us despite some technical difficulties. You can catch the full presentation here.

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